
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Singles’ Scene Essay -- Essays Papers

The single Scene We are all often complicit in the silencing of students. The victims often repose themselves as well(Hall 7).Is my hair ok? How does my makeup look? Am I going to look like a geek if I answer another question? Do I have to nobble sports to impress the girls? These kinds of insecurities flood an jejunes mind when placed into a coed education. Instead of cogitate on the task put forth by the teacher, the task that should be the approximately important involvement on his or her mind, adolescents are confuse by others around them, especially the face-to-face commove. Preteens have a muddle on their plates. New schoolwork, new bodies, and new feelings are just interpreter of their every day lives. On top of all of this they are necessary to navigate through a coed school. Many may argue that the coed actor is just a part of life and the faster a nestling go overs how to cope with it the better off they will be. However, one must learn how to crawl before b eing able to walk. Perhaps the issue is not erudition the fastest focusing to walk but instead training the most proficient way to walk. With this idea in mind the way to learn with the most dexterity would be by following the thoroughfare of single bring up education from the fourth marking to the eighth grade or during the age of adolescence.As a product of four years of single sex education I can attest early hand that it is the path to take for ones adolescent years. Leon Podles and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, journalists for the American Enterprise, agree with my argument for same sex education through the adolescent years. They stateThe point of separating boys and girls during adolescence is to separate the training of good citizens from the vicissitudes of mating and dating, which notor... ...o be in single-sex education. They are not taught to be intolerant of the opposite sex but rather to be able to learn in a way that caters specifically to their needs at that age.D istraction is the underlying and most crucial problem. When an adolescent is in a situation where the opposite sex is a around, learning about Paul Revere is the furthest thing from their mind. The try of impressing others is a learning impediment that a preteen must face everyday. In stress management courses one is taught to locate the stress factor and then work to remove it to create a little stressful environment. In this case the added stress and distraction stems directly from the opposite sex. Thus, the removal of the stress (the opposite sex) would break through the barrier that is inhibiting the learning process in adolescents and lead to new paths of knowledge and confidence.

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