
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Marriage Of John And Jaqueline Kennedy Essay -- essays research pa

The Marriage of bottom and Jacqueline Kennedy.THESIS Although the relationship of tush and Jacqueline Kennedy evolved fromfriendship to love, their pairing was modify with tragedy, shame, and change.I. The relationship of John and Jacqueline Kennedy evolved from friendship to love. A. They met at a dinner party thrown by Charles and Martha Bartlett.B. Their marriage was called the marry of the year.II. Their marriage had many tragedies.A. Although three children survived birth, Jackie had many unsuccessful pregnancies.B. prexy Kennedy was assassinate in Dallas, Texas while riding in a motorcade.III. Their marriage was filled with shame. A. Jack had an irresistible urge to women.B. Jack had innumerable conversations with a Judith Campbell, a woman with mob connections.IV. Their marriage was filled with change.A. life-time was different for the Kennedys in the White House.B. Jackie did a complete renovation of the White House.C. Life changed drastically for Jackie after th e assassination of her husband.Although the relationship of John and Jacqueline Kennedy evolved fromfriendship to love, their marriage was filled with tragedy, shame and change. Thelife of the first family is highly publicized further many of the happenings of theKennedy family were not meant to be up for public scrutiny. During the time that Kennedy was in office there were many political as well as personal events thatwent on in his life. Love, tragedy, shame, and change were just some of thefeelings and occurrences that went on inside the White House. Jacqueline began her journalism career working for the Washington Times-Herald where she was shortly promoted to Inquiring Cameragirl. This washow she first got to talk to Senator John F. Kennedy. She interviewed him for hercolumn a some times and attended a ... ... Publishers,1997.Anthony, Carl Sferrazza. First Ladies Volume II The Saga of the PresidentsWives and Their Power 1961-1990. revolutionary York William Morrow and Co mpanyInc., 1991. Davis, John H. Jacqueline Bouvier An Intimate Memoir. New York John Wiley andSons, Inc., 1996.Davis, John H. The Bouviers From Waterloo to the Kennedys and Beyond. Washington DC National Press Books, 1993.Donald, Aida Dipace. Kennedy, John F. Assassination. Dictionary of AmericanHistory. 1976 ed.Encyclopedia Americana John F. Kennedy. Frank B. Freidel, Jr. (1999)http//www.grolier.com/presidents/ea/bios/35pkenn.html.Heymann, David C. A Woman Named Jackie. Secaucus, New Jersey CarolPublishing group, 1994.Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia. 1998 ed.Mills, Judie. John F. Kennedy. New York Franklin Watts, 1962.Watney, Hedda Lyons. Jackie O. New York Leisure Books, 1994.

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