
Monday, February 4, 2019

Effects Of Video Gaming :: essays research papers

My heart hammered in my chest as I raced unwrap of the doorway just onwards of another explosion. Fragments from the blast sent pinpricks of searing pain shooting through my tense system and gave me a new spurt of energy. Screaming like a madman, I sped across the courtyard and then scrambled over a low wall, falling into what I hoped was some sort of temporary refuge. The uninterrupted string of explosions abated, so I attempted to collect myself and take line of reasoning of my situation. My injuries werent all that serious, so I hastily popped a pain check into my parched mouth and washed it with a refreshing swig of weewee from my flask. Noting an angle in the wall to my left, I scurried around a lesser shrub towards the safety of two solid walls at my back and the overprotective screen of the bush. And I found my salvation there, nestled in the shadows of a recess at the bottom of the wall. Like a jackal to carrion I pounced and scooped my prize up, then crouched in my obscure hiding spot. I tensely scanned through the leaves of the bush in front of me, alert for any backsheesh of movement. My search was almost instantly rewarded, as my pursuer, howling like a banshee, burst through a pair of large wooden gate about twenty yards in front of me. I popped up out of my hiding spot, centered the crosshairs of my newly acquired rocket launcher, and squeezed off a opalescent just as he turned in my direction. I was reason enough to see the look of bloodlust on his face turn to deathlike fear in his microsecond recognition of this sudden turn of the tables. The rocket caught him unanimous in the chest, exploded with a satisfying boom, and scattered shards of flesh and bloodbath in all directions. I was safe at last... Right right off you might be thinking that I am a disguised agent for the CIA, or a bodyguard for a central American drug lord, but with either of those assumptions you would be far off of the class track. Im merely a member of th e already large and still quick growing number of people who regularly play computer photo games. Our group is often criticized because of the violent nature and graphic content of more of the games which are currently popular, however I feel that these criticisms are mostly unwarranted.

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