
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Cold War :: essays research papers

War without fighting implicated America and the Soviet UnionAtlantic Charter, Aug 1941Tehran Conference, Dec 1943. FDR, Churchill and Stalin &61672 What to do with GermanyOct 1944, Europe divided into sections Western powers and Eastern BlockYalta, Feb 1945 &61672 Big Three. Aliies determination to victory, Soviets in control of Poland. Cold War may have begun here.a.Germany disarmed b. crush into 4 zonesc.USSR get half of reparationsd.USSR join UNPotsdam, July 1945Truman is US presidenta.Germany disarmedb.denazificationc.War Crimesd.Reparations inkind (other countries can take goods)Europe in 2 spheres of casta.Communistb.CapitalistSoviets afraid of US economy and atom goIron curtain decending upon EuropeGreek civil war &61672 US and Russia fight with opposing sides, never fire a shot at each otherMarch 12. 1947 &61672 The Truman DoctrineThis doctrine proclaims a policy of containmenta.American foreign policy must contain CommunismJune 1947, marshal Plana.Sec. Of State, George Marshall stated that the US would give billions of dollars to whoever wanted it.American goal To rebuild Europe so it doesnt fall to socialismRussians refused moneyOther countries took them, but with strings attacheda.Must unresolved money to US goodsb.Must open economic policies for US to wait on atBerlin Crisis Germany into 4 zones and Berlin into 4 zonesBerlin in Russian sideGoods father in by train, road and air1948, new govt in West GermanyEast German money was worthless1948 Blockade of roads and rail by Soviets into BerlinBerlin Airlift US forces and British forces flew supplies to BerlinSoviets gave in 1949

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