
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Antibiotic Usage Essay -- Biology, DNA

This optimism has been dissipated long before the 20th century when the proliferation of antibiotic foeman bacteria became evident as Fleming predicted earlier. With the rapid development of infectious infirmity associated with antibiotic resistance forced us to change the way we opine disease and the way we treat patients. However, antibiotic use has not been with off matter and several factors had contributed to the development of resistance. Some resistances argon due to spontaneous renewal and these mutations are for select antibiotic resistance whilst other bacteria dispose to steal the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from their counterparts who are already familiar with antibiotics (Mims, 2004 Tenover, 2006).Antibiotic remained useful against most bacterial infection, however these bacterial cells develop resistance and traverse to divide resulting in a unsusceptible population and some are no longer effective against infectious disease that was killed few long time ag o (Levy, 2000). The impact of antibiotic resistance could lead to more infectious diseases that are hard to treat and could result in a spherical threat making it difficult as mutation and evolutionary compact cause increase in antibiotic resistance (Strelkauskas et al, 2010). Antibiotics are passing important medicine but unfortunately bacteria become resistant make it choreatic as antibiotic resistance had posed problem around the world people continued to travel and modern technology and sociology exacerbated the development of resistant strains, these strains are transferred from infected people causing a repeat in cycle as they moved from one office staff to the next (WHO, 2001). Increased globalisation is responsible for resistance, in large overpopulat... ...odified penicillin ski binding proteins. Some resistant bacteria could be dangerous for mannikin MRSA and the vancomycin resistant staphylococcus auerus that are virulent in human pathogens (Strelkauskas, 20 10) by reducing the permeability of their membranes as a way of keeping out antibiotic by turning off production of porin and other proteins (Weston, 2008), for example the multi-drug resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis. In pathogens such as Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus, natural spring pumps played a major role in multi-drug resistance in like manner Klebsiella species becoming resistance and other bacteria producing enzymes from Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase (Livermore and Hawley, 2005 Tenover, 2006) in addition multi-drug resistance antibiotics Acinetobacter Baumanii and the New Delhi Metallo-1(NDM-1) causing havoc amongst the healthcare setting (HPA, 2010).

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