
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Animal Experiments Essay -- essays papers

Animal ExperimentsAnimal experimentation by scientists can be ferine and unjust, but at the same time it can provide dour term benefits for humanity. Animals utilise in research and experiments have been going on for 2,000 years and keep is going strong. It is a widely debated about stem all over the human race. Some vocalize it is inhuman while others say its for the good of human kind. There ar many assorted reasons why community perform experiments and why others total disagree with it. separately year 20 one million million million animals are produce and breed for the only(prenominal) purpose but to be tested on. Fifty-three thousands of animals are use each year in medical and veterinary schools. The rest is used in basic research. The demand for animals in the United States is 50 million mice, 20 million rats, and about 30 million other animals. This includes 200,000 cats and 450,000 dogs. The world uses about 200-250 million animals per year.The problem with workin g with animals is that they cannot communicate their feelings and reactions. Other people say that they can communicate and react to humans just a well as one person to another. Some of the animals the researchs use are not domesticated which makes them extremely hard to view as and handle.The experiments that go on behind closed doors are some of the most horrific things a human could think of too torture psyche or something. Animals in labs are literally used as models and are poked at and cut open like nothing is happening. When drug a...

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